• Please excuse the sloppy packaging of the software. I try to distribute my software mainly over the internet. I also try to spend most of my time writing good programs instead of decorating disks. The disks you receive are recycled disks (AOL does a great job keeping me supplied).
• Thank you for registering your software. I hope you find it very useful. Please check out some of my other software to see if there is anything else I've got that you've been wanting. Also, if you have a good idea for a program that has not been written drop me a note.
• The files are compressed. You can uncompress them with Suffit Expander.
• Don't forget to give copies of this software to all your friends. They will call you blessed. If you downloaded an older version from a BBS, FTP site, or services such as America Online, please upload this new version.
• If you need a registration number, check the disks or the envelope. I usually write the information you need on your floppy or on the envelope. Of course, you only receive a registration number if you actually registered the software.
• E-Mail me with questions, but reports, etc. My E-Mail address is timbobo@flash.net
• Here are some screen shots from some of my programs: